Beautifying Your Skin

Ways To Minimize Scarring After Getting Some Moles Removed

If you have several moles on your body that need to be removed, you should seek help from a dermatologist. Dermatologists offer several different treatment options for removing moles, and the method used to remove yours will most likely depend on the size and depth of the moles you have. If your moles are located on areas of your body that people will see all the time, your number one objective might be to make sure these spots do not have scars after the moles are removed. Here are some tips that may help you eliminate or decrease the scarring that can be present after moles are removed.

Choose Laser Mole Removal If Possible

There are several different ways doctors can remove moles, and one of the best methods for minimal scarring is with a laser. A laser is a device that uses light, heat, and energy to remove the pigmentation in a mole. It is not typically a painful procedure; however, it can feel hot and uncomfortable for some people. It is also not an option that can always be used, but it can be used if you have moles that are flat and not deep within your skin. After you receive laser treatment, the moles will typically form scabs, and the scabs will fall off in time.

Laser treatment for removing moles will result in the least amount of scarring when compared to other methods. Unfortunately, there are times when laser treatment is not the most effective method for removing moles. For example, if your moles are deep and large, using a scalpel to cut the mole out may be the better option. In either case, there are steps you can take that may help you reduce the amount of scarring left after the procedure.

Moisturize Your Wounds

One of the best ways to reduce the amount of scarring left after mole removal involves keeping the wound moisturized. A wound that is left dry will scar more than a wound that is kept moist, and you may need to apply moisturizer to your wound up to six times a day. The best products to use for this purpose are types that really lock in the moisture. This can include one of the following types of moisturizers:

  • Petroleum jelly
  • Cocoa butter
  • Shea butter

You should not begin applying moisturizer right away though. Your doctor may tell you to wait for a couple days or until scabs begin forming before you begin doing this. The reason for this is that the wound needs a little time to heal before it can be moisturized. Always ask your doctor when to begin doing this and how many times a day you should do it.

Massage The Wound

It may seem strange for you to massage a wound you have from mole removal; however, there are benefits offered through this. When you massage any part of your body, it stimulates the flow of oxygen, and wounds heal better when they have plenty of oxygen.

To reap the benefits of minimal scarring, you should aim to massage your wound for two minutes at least once a day. You can massage it more than this if you would like, but if it hurts you should avoid massaging directly on the wound and focus on the areas next to the wound instead.

Mole removal is a procedure that is often needed when moles are cancerous or look suspicious. Moles can also be removed simply for cosmetic purposes. If you have moles you would like to have examined by a doctor, visit a dermatologist today. You can learn more about mole removal and ways to reduce scarring when you visit a skin doctor at a clinic like Northwest Dermatology
